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About Us

We are just like you: passionate about a stammer-free life.


Empowering Voices is a charity set up by a group of people who have benefited from one very successful strand of speech training: costal breathing.

We run the courses ourselves, to help people learn this breathing style. We pair this with a specific speech pattern, work on reducing your fear of stammering and then provide a lot of support to help people improve their speech over time.

We are experts by experience.

This is our way of sharing a technique that has transformed our speech and enriched our lives. As a charity, the trustees cannot financially benefit from anyone who stammers.

Why is Empowering Voices a charity?

We believe that fear-free speech for stammerers should be available to all and,
if not free, as inexpensive as possible. 


We want to provide support to stammerers across the UK and to achieve this, as a charity we aim to deliver though the following:

  • Empowering Voices is run by a group of trustees. As trustees, we are genuinely democratic. Everyone has a say and all votes are equal.

  • By law, the trustees serve a fixed term and must always conduct themselves in the charity's best interests.

  • The trustees are legally prohibited from making money from their relationship with Empowering Voices. The organisation is run by people with one objective: providing the best possible service to help stammerers.

  • Having a structure whereby no one gets paid, and we don't pay dividends. A truly non-profit making organisation.

  • Our accounts are scrutinised and published annually on the Charity Commission website. There is complete transparency of where every penny goes.

  • We benefit from charitable tax breaks. We can claim Gift Aid on any personal donations from a UK taxpayer.

  • Companies that donate won't pay tax on the donation amount.

If you would like to support us please feel free to donate by clicking here. All proceeds will help and support those who stammer. Thank you.

Our Trustees

We are all people who have struggled with their stammers. After learning the costal breathing technique, strong determination and the selfless support of fellow stammerers, we can now speak in a controlled manner and we are able to say what we want, without fear of speaking. We now want to support others to achieve the same.

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